
About Me

Hello my name is Edar, I am a starting web developer, so far I've worked on a few small projects. I came from the North West Caucasus many years ago and I studied in a US highschool. I'm an ethnic Circassian; there are very few Circassians left in the world and even fewer in the US. Because of this I sometimes felt a little left out since other people could always meet their countrymen, but I would never meet other Circasssians. I have my own personal beliefs when it comes to personal freedoms, animal rights, and laws. Apart from becoming a developer, I'm also interested in learning more about the stock market, law, and farming, and anything related to sciences like biology, chemistry etc. I hope to make a business out of my developer skills. I still have much to learn when it comes to web development but I think that I will be alright. I enjoy learning new things, watching films, hiking, swimming, and playing music on the flute.

Hello I'm a lonley grid footer.